

This musical piece was written in 1970 and first used for the movie, “The Walking Stick.” And it was in 1979 when Stanley Myers created the music and commissioned for the movie theme of “The Deer Hunter.” I have seen the film starred by the young Robert De Niro but what I remember is the music on that film. It is a piece mainly for a classical guitar and if you listen to the music it exudes that soft lyrical touch that let you breathe comforting air as you listen. No wonder the music never dies and considered a classical piece and performed by great musicians.

The music is inspiring and Billy Evmur did a gospel version, “Beautiful.” It is rare to consider and maybe if you have the time and interested to find out then you might discover a music gem. Maybe.

As a special tribute we did the music during a birthday bash held at Valle Verde 6 Clubhouse and as musicians we have the freedom to express the essence of the piece.

Please enjoy the music, “Cavatina” from Michael Cimino”s movie and music by Stanley Myers.

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